Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Minnesota Visit

School officially started back up and I haven't had a moment to blog about my trip back to Minnesota. I knew it would be my last visit until Christmas so I tried to fit in a little of everything.

The first night Dan and I went to a baby shower for his friend Keith. It was a perfect night for a BBQ- the kind all Minnesotans dream of in the winter and savor in the summer. If you have ever been to a baby shower with men, then you can probably relate to the humor of the night as well. When it was time for cupcakes someone asked if we were supposed to sing and after the cake, we all shared in toasting with a cake-flavored vodka shot (not the pregnant mom!). It wasn't the typical "guess what baby food this is" kinda shower and I loved it! We had a great time and it was fun to catch up with Dan's friends.

I also managed to get in multiple downtown and SLP runs in with my running group as well as the post-run coffee and "healthy" cookie recovery. We did some house hunting and later some finance homework to balance out the fun. 

smarty prance

Donut burger at the park
Smarty Prance made us a few bucks at Canterbury Park but we spent it all on food (Ice cream in the summer is irresistible). We met up with some friends at the track followed by dinner and the comedy club later. It was a perfect combination of my favorite things (well not the betting part but the outdoor summer activities).

Noah helping with homework

Kate and baby James visiting

Warming up

The best part of the weekend however was seeing family. Dan's sister and kids were in town so we stopped in to visit them and the rest of the Gustafsons. We had a great dinner with my mom while discussing the deficit and  politics. We also spent a whole day on the lake at my dads playing volleyball, swimming and relaxing with my family and best friend Kate. Dan was content because my brothers volleyball skills have improved so we can get some real volleys in. My dad was in heaven because my friend Kate brought her 5 month old baby and I was content just to be surrounded by people I love!

Downtown stroll before the comedy show

View at the lake

Now its back to school and WOW is it going to be a busy few months. I am totally overwhelmed with having 4 classes, a fellowship and a part time job! One day at a time I guess. My blogging is my way to make sure I am still using the right side of my brain to balance out all of the finance and accounting work. I also decided to learn how to embroider! Probably not an ideal time to start a new hobby but I needed something relaxing to do. I only wish I could cross-stitch during accounting to keep me awake for the 3 hour lectures.

My new hobby

Ok, back to work!

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