Saturday, January 29, 2011

28 years of good living

This blog was inspired by a few things. I have a study abroad trip to Dubai coming up in a month and I really regret not journalling about my Peace Corps travels and adventures. So, I figure, at the very least, this blog might help me journal about the Emirates.

Second, I am turning 28 on the 31st of January and I have concluded that I really like the person I have become. I am kind, independent, goal driven etc. etc. However, gradually over the next few years I imagine my life might change a bit. I am finally getting tired of moving every few years and the idea of home sounds right. I lived in Madison WI for 4 years during college, moved to Honduras for 27 months, wondered Central and South America for 5 months, returned home to live with mom for 7 months, moved to Uptown Minnesota for 1 year, lived with Dan for 3 months and now I am in Atlanta going to school and have been here for 6 months. I have at least a year to go and then plan to return home to Minnesota.

Although I know my future has a lot to offer, I hope to preserve my past, my person-hood, my lessons learned and my drive to be the change in the world I want to see (I don't care how hippie or idealistic that sounds). This blog will hopefully capture my still present Peace Corps mentality as well as my optimistic and curious student mindset. While I have the time, and I do considering my social life currently revolves around school and my fellowship work, I want to make sure I reflect, process and truly live each day with intentions. I am willing to put in the work now to ensure I continue making life choices that reflect my values and goals.

So, read along if this interests you at all. But remember, I am not writing because I think I am funny, interesting or particularly insightful. I am just writing to help me keep my intentions, live whole and if by chance, someone else finds this helpful- well that's great too. I also welcome thoughts, insights, perspectives etc.

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