Friday, February 19, 2016

Happy First Birthday, Calvin Jack!

Dear little Cal,

You drifted off to sleep in my arms on a snowy Valentine's Sunday. I quietly transferred you to your crib as we often do because naps just aren't your thing. You are way too busy, curious and social to choose a nap over playtime! I was about to start picking up the toys scattered around our house and begin organizing for your big one year birthday party but instead, I decided to write you this note. I know you won't remember your first Birthday but in the future, I want you to be able to read about how special this milestone was for me.

They say the first year of a baby's life flies by so I made a promise early on to try and not miss the little things. Some days and nights were hard. My heart ached whenever you cried, my blood pressure rose whenever you got sick and worried thoughts consumed me whenever we first separated. But no matter how long the night was, you always woke up with an infectious smile that could make even a pre-caffeinated sleep deprived mom smile.

Our first 3 months together will always be some of my most cherished memories. Occasionally we didn't leave the house but rather snuggled for hours while you nursed or slept (in my arms since naps in the crib were rare). We joined Amma Mammas and met some amazing moms that together helped me feel brave enough to explore the world as a pair. I took you to baby yoga and even at 3 months you giggled at all my stretches. We went to the zoo on playdates and met dad for lunch. He missed you but always checked in on us and snuck home for lunch when he could. You traveled to DC for a wedding and met all of your Vanek relatives. In October Grandma Vicki and I took you to LA to see uncle Dave and the ocean. You were a angel of a travel companion other than the trip home when you had a cold, pink eye and decided to cry the whole flight.

My little Calvin you are so loved and not just by your mom and dad. You bring so much joy to our whole family and to those you meet. "School" always gives us the sweetest reports and funny stories about your adventurous personality.  You are giggly and happy. Inquisitive and aware. You like to stay busy running around (yep you started walking last month) the kitchen island playing your push cart music and occasionally stopping to wave and dance. You love being around people and turn in to quit a ham when you know others are watching. Bath time is always a hit and cheerios are sure to cheer you up if you do decide to be a little grumpy.

Papa Greg summed it up best by saying, "I never smile more than when I am with Calvin." Thank you for reminding me every day what really matters in life and for showing me how to accept a little bit of chaos in my routine. Thank you for making me a mother because it truly is the best gift one could ever receive. Seeing your dad become a father reiterated how loving, kind and faithful he is as a husband. My little son, we promise to do our best to teach you to love others and be fearless but thoughtful. Calvin, you truly make every day my favorite day.


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