Tuesday, December 2, 2014

29 Weeks!

This last holiday week flew by as we traveled the suburbs of Minneapolis visiting with family and friends. Thanksgiving really is a holiday that reminds me of all I am thankful for and I love the simplicity of the day. Not that cooking a turkey is easy but I like that the day is about family and giving thanks (and pie!) rather than gifts, leprechauns or overpriced heart-shaped candy.

I started my Thanksgiving morning on the elliptical with my friend Casie, who is now 39 weeks pregnant! We stayed at the perfect pace to allow us to talk the whole time and breeze through our modified workout. I definitely noticed some extra long looks from others and I am sure our large bellies bouncing on the machines probably did look a little funny. But I LOVE that we are healthy enough to be active and share in this experience together. After the gym and coffee time with the extended running group, we went over to my moms and of course she cooked way too much food so we have had leftovers all week. It was a super relaxing day and we enjoyed spending time with my mom and brother. It was also fun to have my cousin Emily and her friend from Belarus stop by before they went out to see the craziness we call Black Friday (or Thursday in this case). 

On Friday we pretended it was Thanksgiving again and spent the day with the Gustafson side. I always enjoy seeing all of our nieces and nephews play and laugh together. I feel so blessed to know our little one will have such great role models and playmates. Some of my favorite childhood memories come from visits with my cousins. The best part of the summer was when the cousins would move in for a few weeks and we would spend hours every day in the pool playing water football and marco polo. 

Cousin time in the pool (always so many boys!) 
On Friday, my sister in-law Lisa took some maternity/Christmas photos for us and it was fun to talk about doing newborn photos soon too. 

Sneak peek of week 29! 
I also really enjoyed having a very real conversation at dinner about the best and hardest parts about being a new parent. Dans brother Jeff talked about the challenging late nights when you can't comfort the baby and Maria shared how hard it is to operate on no sleep. If you know Dan's family, you know they are the most patient people so hearing them say being a new parent is hard, will bring comfort to me when our long nights arrive. 

Saturday we got a Christmas Tree and then went to my dads for the Badger Gopher game. It was a great game and another Wisconsin victory! Although being at Camp Randall would have been fun, the fire, family and good food made for a pretty enjoyable football game.

Our tree with a little kitty underneath 

On a very different note...I am starting to think I have some sort of car curse. Dan got up early this morning to pick up my car from the shop after getting fixed from being rear ended a few weeks ago. I had the car in my possession for less than 5 hours and on my way to do a site visit, a car backed into me in the parking lot! Yes, another car accident on the same day I got my car back from the shop. Everyone is okay and it was a minor accident but I am losing all faith in other drivers and frankly, think I should start taking the bus. I honked as the car was backing up and couldn't have done anything to prevent this one either but I am still SO frustrated! Grateful I wasn't hurt but shook up by what feels like a car curse! Anyway, this blog is supposed to document my pregnancy, not my accident records so I won't vent any more. Let's just hope for a safe rest of the winter! 

Baby g is a cabbage 

Little baby g only has 11 more weeks to go and is currently the size of a small cabbage. 

Cravings: chocolate (like always) so I bought some carob today to see if that satisfies my craving. It did not, I had a cookie later on! 

Carob, milk and Schmidt honey
Symptoms: not many, just some indigestion even though I have been eating smaller meals. Oh, and constant trips to the bathroom and some swelling in my legs. 

Super swollen feet- you can still
see my sock line 20 minutes after
taking them off- gross! 
Fetus Development: Teeth are forming this week. Baby is also putting on white vs brown fat which not only keeps him warm but also stores energy.

Strangest new fact: baby's adrenal glands are producing hormones that might cause my breast to leak milk even before he is born. WHAT?!?! Never learned that in anatomy class. 

Favorite pregnancy moment: I love seeing Dan so excited about our growing family. He admires my belly, pokes it when we see baby feet trying to escape, and spoils me with kindness and support. 

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