I think the Holiday extravaganza is coming to an end after weeks of celebrating with all sides of the family. A few days after I arrived in Minnesota, we had our first Christmas celebration with the Gustafson family. Both Dan's sister and brother's family were there so the house was filled with little kid laughter and Santa excitement.
Before the gift opening, the kids dressed up and acted out the Christmas Pageant as Maria (Dan's sister) read aloud. Abby, the oldest of the little ones, ran the show with her memorized lines and angel animation!
Teresa- our little sheep! |
Post pageant we opened gifts. This year, Cars, Minnie Mouse, Buzz Lightyear and American Girls appeared to be the hot trends. I was glad to be this years elf and loved shopping for the kidos- especially Abby since it meant a trip to MOA and the American Girl store. I have more doll stuff than I should admit to and I probably appreciate them even more as an adult!
After gift opening we had a nice dinner, dessert and then worked it off with a "Let's Dance Wii" marathon. Its harder than it looks but watching the kids dance along and hearing their giggles was the highlight of the day. I think we repeated the hamster dance well over 10 times!
It was a great Christmas celebration and I was so thankful to be here this year knowing I didn't have to rush back to Atlanta. Minnesota has always been home but its finally starting to feel like one again after years of rushed holiday visits and school breaks.
Fiona posing for Lisa |
Dan reading to Timothy and Fiona |
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