I woke up this morning at 4:30 in order to catch the first bus out of Santa Tomas (current homestay) toward Chimaltenago. From there we took another hour chicken bus ride to a remote highland community where we then had to take 3 mototaxis or TukTuks to arrive at our final destination for the Entrepreneur campaign. There were 3 men in one taxi and once we hit the really steep hill, I looked back and saw that they were walking alongside the taxi and actually pushing it up the hill!
It was a beautiful Tuk-tuk ride up to the top of the mountain where we set up the water filters, glasses and other various social products for sale. Paula was the Maya Katchequel entrepreneur that was trained by the Corps to promote and sell the projects . The two Guatemalan women who trained Paula were also there to help her with the eye exams and organizing the people. It was really neat to see a Maya woman confidently educating other Maya in their native language and working in partnership with Ladino Guatemalan women and of course- we American! I enjoyed watching the women work seamlessly together as they explained the products and their health and economic benefits.
Eye exams |
Testing the glasses to see if she can sow to make the trajes she is wearing |
Little neighbor girl giving us a tour |
Meanwhile, I was attempting to visit with the women in line and register them by name. However, it was a challenge since most only speak a bit of Spanish and many are illiterate. I noticed a younger girl there with her mom who looked eager to help me (thank goodness) with writing registration information. Her name was Maria, she spoke perfect Spanish had an amazing spirit and disposition. She started off by shadowing me but by the end I was shadowing her! She took me around town (2 streets up steep hills) to remind the people of the free eye exams and items for sale. She also took Shawn and me on a spectacular tour of their family garden. She also showed me how to carry water on my head and I couldn’t do it even when the bucket was empty! Every morning the women walk to the river to do laundry and collect water. We all got tired just walking the hill so I can’t imagine doing that every day with water or laundry on my head.
Maria showing us how its done! |
Pushing the taxi! |
Your writing is wonderful and the photos are spectacular! Many people are following your adventures on a daily basis so keep it coming!! I love the way you connect with the people especially the children. You have found your true calling.