Two and half movies later and an average few hours of sleep, I wake up to sunshine peaking through the bottom of my window shade. Most people are still sleeping and the plane is dark but I can’t help but peak out at what is below.
Wow, I never imagined flying over Iraq and soon Kuwait and then the edge of Iran. I am already at a loss of words to describe how excited I am to be seeing a part of the world so unfamiliar to me. I hate my own stereotypes, and TV ingrained images of the Middle East and there is no better way to understand the world than to see it. I am full of gratitude and know that the next few days will be a time to remember. Well, time for a curry hot pocket and some couscous like lunch or is this dinner- I don’t know.
Day 1/2??
We landed a few hours ago and got dinner at a Lebanese Middle Eastern Fusion Restaurant. We took a few laps up and down the streets to check out the amazing buildings and cars and now its time to try and get some rest....this time change already has me confused. Tomorrow we are off to the Souks!! More to come!
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